This is how my day woke me up at noon, and I was crabby, I think I already decided to have a day. have you ever started your day that way?? you know you have a half decent sleep but you dont want to have to get up and some days you're just looking for a fight to get into. I called a couple of friends,I tried to make some plans, but nothing was going the way I wanted. one friend said she could stay over night and then she changed her mind because she had to go and visit her aunt in the hospital. another friend invited me to stay at her house, but mom said NO! shes such a bitch sometimes. I was so mad so I stomped up the stairs and slammed my door.
I really hate it when mom sais no to me and I get so angry that I dont know what to do. I know I cant always get my way, but she used to give into me of I threw a big enough tantrum and shes not doing that anymore and I dont like it very much...
she doesent yell at me that much any more and I dont like that either. we used to have some really good screaming matches and that always ended up with one of us losing our voices (that was usually me though because I can scream louder and longer lol) so then she called my house and told them to come and get me I couldnt believe it as if she was gonna go and do that like how dare she OMG. so that is my story ladies and gents... hope you like it tune in next week for some more of my young drama xox Des xox